
level Dias, 23岁


今年4月是地球日50周年, 我们比以往任何时候都更需要可持续发展. Scientists estimate that at least 150 species go extinct every day (Pearce, 2015). Five thousand people die every day as a result of drinking unclean 水 and 3 million children under the 年龄 of 5 die every year due to environmental factors like pollution (Rinkesh, 2019). But our success with reversing dam年龄 to the ozone layer and improvement in air quality that has been reported around the world in recent months as a result of decreased burning of fossil 燃料s reminds us that the earth is resilient. 修复人类活动对生态系统造成的损害, 我们需要采取更可持续的做法. 韦德娱乐app下载地址's values regarding sustainable environmental practices shine forth on our website: “recognizing that individual success is intertwined with the larger world, 我们鼓励学生参与改善他们的社区.”

This spring Solebury students had the opportunity to enroll in a sustainability elective taught by Diane Downs, Director of Teach2Serve and 教师 advisor of SEAC (Solebury Environmental Action Club). 这门选修课的开设再及时不过了. 全世界都在努力应对当前的冠状病毒大流行, 重要的是不要忘记环境. Environments under stress from climate change are where viruses like COVID-19 are most prone to emerge since climate change is increasing the number of disease-carrying animals and bringing them into closer contact with humans (McMahon, 2020). 

So what are we at 韦德娱乐app下载地址 currently doing to make our community more sustainable? 除此之外, SEAC worked with the dining hall during the fall and winter trimester to implement Minimal Meat Fridays with the aim of encouraging the Solebury community to eat healthy vegetarian food and raising awareness of the link between meat consumption and climate change. Four-fifths of the deforestation across the Amazon rainforest is linked to cattle ranching (“饮食中的肉类对环境有何影响?”, 2011). 牛, 猪, 家禽通常是用玉米喂养的, 大豆粉, 以及其他使用大量肥料种植的谷物, 燃料, 农药, 水, 和土地. The livestock sector generates as much greenhouse gas emissions as all cars, 卡车, 和汽车的总和. This is why the 食堂 has begun featuring a healthy vegetarian entree each Friday and community members are encour年龄d to partake. 这也有助于回答这个问题,“素食者到底吃什么??答案是:“很多美味的食物。.”

Minimal Meat Fridays have morphed into a “virtual” Meat Free Friday as a result of the current pandemic. Community members photograph themselves eating a meat-free meal and then upload the pictures to a google form. 作为奖励, 参与者为他们的房子获得积分(Washburn), 厄斯金, Holmquist, Lathrop),当他们吃无肉餐时. 

韦德娱乐app下载地址学校的可持续发展是一项持续的努力. 我们采用的其他一些可持续做法包括堆肥, 安装大型户外回收箱, 组织食物募捐活动, 绿色墙的安装, 用更耐用的灯泡代替白炽灯泡, 更高效的LED灯泡. We have been restoring the riparian buffer along the Primrose creek to reduce run-off and support biodiversity in the stream bed and surrounding wetlands and planted a vegetable and pollinator garden, 是打算作为科学系的教学工具的吗. 

To honor Earth Day 2020, what can you do to make yourself and your community more sustainable? 简单的积极习惯, 比如使用可重复使用的水瓶, 咖啡杯, 菜, 还有购物袋, 减少肉类消费是一个很好的开始. When we all act together, small changes in behavior can lead to big improvements in the environment. 也许你会利用这段时间多走路或骑自行车,少开车. 有了保持社交距离的措施, many people are trying to reduce trips to the grocery store while eating more meals at home. This might be a good time to think about creative ways to reduce meat consumption; less meat might be part of the new normal. Even one meatless day a week or restricting your meat consumption to one meal a day can make an impact, 尤其是如果很多人采纳了这些改变. 你如何让自己更可持续并不重要, what matters is everyone coming together to save our environment and ultimately ourselves. 迟到的地球日快乐!



弗雷德·皮尔斯等人. "全球灭绝率:为什么估算差异如此之大?耶鲁E360

"饮食中的肉类对环境有何影响?《韦德娱乐app下载地址》,12月28日. 2011

麦克马洪,杰夫. "Deforestation And Climate Change Could Unleash A Mind-Boggling Number Of Coronaviruses《韦德娱乐app下载地址》杂志,4月1日. 2020

Rinkesh. “关于污染的51个令人震惊的事实令人大开眼界.《韦德娱乐苹果手机版下载》,4月14日. 2019